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#IHeartNewPlays Reading List - Week 1

I love New Play Exchange (if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, this fact has been well-established). If you have the great fortune of knowing me personally, you also know that I am VERY COMPETITIVE. (I will CRUSH YOU INTO DUST at Monopoly ok hun?)

Which is why April is no longer the cruelest month: au contraire, thanks to NPX and the National New Play Network, April is shaping up to be -the best-.

NNPN and NPX are hosting a little play reading/recommending competition, and honey you KNOW I'm all over that. (Not to ~*~~BrAg*~~* or anything but I'm currently winning whatever nbd this is the highlight of my career.)

The Stakes: top 20 readers get a -sweet- I Heart New Plays button.

(Hi. I'm very competitive.)

In all seriousness, this is an amazing initiative to get more eyes on more incredible plays. It's so fun to see how quickly the NPX landing page is cycling through new recommendations! People are posting recs like crazy!

So here's my reading list for the first week, April 1-April 7, in literally no order at all:

What are your recommendations?! What should I be reading next? Comment below hun okay byee now I've gotta go win me that button.