

February Writing Prompts - Week 1

If you’ve been following along on my Instagram, I’ve been posting a new set of writing prompts every day. There are no rules to this! Use one of the prompts, all of the prompts, or none of them! If you’re having a hard time with one of the prompts, go get lost clicking around on Wikipedia until something strikes your fancy.

I made all 28x3 of these prompts on Jan 31, and then on Feb 4, my laptop DIED COMPLETELY, taking with it all of the prompts I hadn’t also sent to my phone. So I’m going to spend today coming up with 21x3 new prompts and hope that what I come up with is as much fun as the originals!

Here are the prompts from week one:

Written: Write a scene/poem/song that is a collage of 2-3 plays/poems/songs you admire
Image: The constellation Orion
Music: The Mariner’s Revenge Song by The Decemberists

Written: Use the following as a springboard for a piece of writing:

HEATHER: is it time?

SALLY: not yet

HEATHER: don’t be afraid

SALLY: but they said…

HEATHER: shhh…

Image: An empty black box theatre space
Music: Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy

Written: Two people feel very differently about each other
Image: The sacred heart of Jesus
Music: La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf

Written: Someone approaches a bridge to find someone has already arrived. They were not expecting to meet here…
Image: A Degas painting of two ballet dancers warming up at a barre
Music: Me and Your Mama by Childish Gambino

Written: A character gets lost — where were they going? Were they meeting someone? Did they use a map? Will they accept any help? How will they get unlost?
Image: The stone wall in Riverside Park, NY where a congregation of raccoons lives
Music: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel

Written: A young woman dies, leaving behind a partner and child. The woman’s mother comes to help…
Image: A treehouse in the woods in snow
Music: New Slang by The Shins

Written: Someone is writing at a desk; suddenly, a noise from another room. They thought they were alone…
Image: A cozy living area in a log cabin
Music: I Am Ready for Love by India.Arie

Let me know what you created this week! And follow me over on IG for daily prompts!