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February Writing Prompts - Week 2

Here are all of the writing prompts I had up on my Instagram this week! If you haven’t been following along, follow me for daily written, music, and image prompts throughout the month of February. I’ll be writing a play every day, but these prompts work well for poetry, music, fiction, nonfiction, or basically anything else creative you want to do! Let me know if you use any of the prompts this week.

Written: Someone has a sleep disorder: apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, nightmares, terrors, somnambulism
Image: A drawing of a woman looking very frazzled and delusional
Music: Hold Mine Haender by Efterklang

Written: A woman stands in front of a coffin. A hand slowly creeps up from within…
Image: An antelope and a leopard tussle
Music: UMI Says by Mos Def

Written: Someone here isn’t human…
Image: A gray scale photo of Henrietta Leavitt
Music: All is Full of Love by Bjork

Written: Write about a heartbreak that has nothing to do with romance
Image: A gray scale drawing of a skeleton holding a lantern and a hermit holding a long staff
Music: Do You Realize?? by The Flaming Lips

Written: This I Believe — Write down ten belief that you have that are important to you, and use one of these as a theme
Image: Radio Raheem from the movie Do The Right Thing
Music: Everything Is Everything by Lauryn Hill

Written: Wherever this place is, there is magic
Image: Sylvester Stallone in the rain in the movie First Blood
Music: Needle in the Hay by Elliot Smith

Written: In the middle of an argument, something profound changes
Image: An orange and white porcelain statuette of a foo dog
Music: Somebody to Love by Queen